Financial Certifications

Unlock a world of opportunity with globally recognised accreditations
Professional Partners

Sharpen your financial prowess with Kaplan

Forge your reputation as a trusted expert in Accounting and Finance.

Kaplan is one of Singapore’s leading providers of professional Accounting and Finance courses aimed at meeting the needs of learners at all levels. 

Our accreditations by esteemed professional partners underscore our unwavering commitment to maintaining excellent teaching standards and providing exceptional student support.

Having trained thousands in this field, Kaplan has earned a reputation for its dedicated educators and remarkable track record of exceptional pass rates. Our team of lecturers brings a wealth of invaluable experience, and are eager to share their knowledge and support your journey.

At Kaplan, we’re here to help you gain the crucial skills and confidence needed to excel.

Let us support your growth and success as an Accounting and Finance professional.

Professional Partners Overview

ACCA Platinum Approved Learning Partner


Registered Learning Organisation for the SCA Qualification

video meeting

Blended learning delivery


4-Year EduTrust Certified


Heart of the city near 6 MRT stations

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