Foundation Diplomas

Kaplan Higher Education Academy
Foundation Diploma HB 1680x840

Set the tone for your academic journey ahead

Be primed for future academic excellence with a good foundation in whatever path you choose.

The Kaplan Foundation Diploma is an essential certification that positions you for various Diploma programmes on offer.

Designed to build a strong education base, our Foundation Diploma programmes are the gateway to new and exciting horizons.

Let us build your foundation to progress your academic pursuits.

employed within

Possible completion of 6 modules in 6 months1


Kaplan Diploma articulates to Year 2 of Bachelor’s Degree and possible completion in minimum 16 months2


Choose from over 300 Degree options3

video meeting

Blended learning delivery


Easy and affordable payments4


Heart of the city near 8 MRT stations


Over 94% of our graduates will recommend Kaplan5


4-Year EduTrust Certified


Close to 9 in 10 employed within 6 months5,6


Award-winning employability initiatives7

Foundation Diplomas

Learn more about our Foundation Diplomas on offer and see which one is right for you.

Life Beyond Classrooms

Experience Kaplan’s supportive learning environment inside and out.

A Supportive Environment

At Kaplan, our conducive environment helps stimulate minds, encourage exploration and achieve excellence. Find out how this helped our student Jordan Sukaimi become a World Dance Champion! Check out the video here.

Learn more about the Kaplan way:
Culture of Support 
Future Ready 
Student Engagement 
Career Readiness

Contact us now

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Please refer to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch with our dedicated consultant for this programme for more information.

Kevin Chow

1Subject to programme and meeting entry requirements.

2With our university partners and other higher education institutions from Australia, Ireland and the UK (relevant disciplines and/or subject to university’s requirements).

3Based on full-time and part-time study modes across programmes offered at Kaplan in Singapore.

4Subject to bank's approval.

5Based on total survey respondents of the Kaplan Graduate Employment Survey 2022/23: 1,385 full-time and part-time graduates.

6Base: FT & PT Diploma + External Degree Programme graduates (FT & PT employed + Self-employed + Freelance + Seeking employment).

7Source: 2023 Singapore Business Review International Business Awards – Educational Management