Student Stories
Beyond Academic Excellence
Hear from our students as they share their experiences with the various Employability & Student Affairs (ESA) activities and how they have benefitted to become more well-rounded individuals.

Raja Moris
Student Executive Committee Member
Bachelor of Science in Cyber Security and Forensics and Computer Science (Double Major)
Murdoch University Graduate (2021)
I feel that the ESA team provides significant services that will greatly benefit us in our job search. They provide us with a very useful platform to find a job and to ensure we are well-equipped for working life.
I participated in the 4th Industrial Revolution Course – one of the workshops on Microsoft Excel. There, I was able to learn a lot about the fundamentals of Microsoft Excel. The workshop was great as we were given hands-on exercises to develop our practical knowledge about Microsoft Excel, which is essential and commonly utilised in all workplaces.
I enjoyed the workshop schedule and the content covered most of all. As the workshop is usually held on weekends, it did not clash with my classes. Furthermore, the workshop was conducted online, so I did not feel as tired as when I have to come to school.

Ivena Amadea
Bachelor of Business Studies (Honours) in Digital Business (Top-up)
University College Dublin Graduate (2021)
I was able to acquire an abundance of workplace knowledge with the employability activities that I participated in. I am glad to have attained certifications that I can include in my CV, and believe that this will benefit me in my job applications after graduation.
I have learnt a lot from participating in the employability activities. In the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR) Courses, I was able to pick up technical skills such as Data Management & Analysis in Excel and Python Programming. As for soft skills, I was taught how to communicate clearly and concisely, as well as how to build a solid team.
As an international student, I had really hoped to have the experience of working in Singapore. I am thankful that the ESA team was able to provide me with an opportunity to connect with a legitimate company to solve a real industry problem, through my participation in the Kaplan Industry Project (KIP).
I would like to advise my peers to fill themselves with workplace knowledge via these employability activities as early as they can, while studying, so that they are well prepared to achieve their dreams after graduation.

How Yew Kit
Bachelor of Business in Human Resource Management and Marketing (Double Major)
Murdoch University Graduate (2021)
The employability activities have given me exposure and insights into the working world, where I have learnt a lot about the various industries, and acquired hard and soft skills.
There are industry experts imparting relevant skills to us and giving us guidance through real-life scenarios. These are extremely essential for those who are unclear of what they should do and expect at this stage of their college life. After being exposed to these different experiences, I am now clear on what my preferences, strengths and weaknesses are. Through the activities, I get to understand myself better, and this would eventually guide me towards the optimal career path.
The Kaplan Industry Project (KIP) is one of the most enjoyable activities that I have participated in. It has given me a glimpse of the working world and how companies operate, as I was able to be part of real-life projects with legitimate companies.
Additionally, our advisor and facilitators from the ESA team were extremely patient and helpful. They would go the extra mile to ensure we performed well and made the most out of these projects. Through these projects, I have met and forged friendships with people from all walks of life.
I would encourage my peers to partake in these events as they give us an extra edge when we enter the working world. The employability activities will expose you to situations not available elsewhere.

Eugene Seow Zhi Shen
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Accountancy and Financial Management (Top-up)
University of Portsmouth Graduate (2020)
The ESA team has developed various activities and events to help deepen my understanding of the workplace environment and skills that are valued by employers, to increase my employability.
The 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR) Courses amazed me, as the classes are being taught by experts who provide practical and insightful lessons. The LinkedIn Workshop introduced me to the usefulness of LinkedIn when searching for jobs, and taught me the proper methods to enhance my professional profile.
I also enjoyed doing the Kaplan Industry Project (KIP), as it allowed me to utilise my creativity and academic skills to solve a real-life company’s problem. The whole project was self-directed. My groupmates and I were able to come up with innovative solutions to solve a setback regarding the company’s online platform. I was also able to demonstrate leadership and time management skills, as well as planning techniques through the KIP. Overall, it was fulfilling to be given the chance to work with companies, as I was able to strengthen my academic knowledge while coming up with practical solutions.
I would like to tell my peers that these employability activities are great for anyone who is interested in upgrading themselves and wants to enhance their professional development.

Stephanie Hu
Bachelor of Business in Hospitality and Tourism Management and Human Resource Management (Double Major)
Murdoch University Graduate (2020)
The Kaplan Industry Project (KIP) is an interesting activity which looks at the real-life challenges businesses face. The project was completed virtually, and provided me a glimpse into the real working life and how to communicate with different stakeholders effectively to achieve objectives. It gave me a better idea of my strengths and weaknesses, and I gained confidence in presenting myself. Over the course of the project, I also had the chance to work with individuals across different universities, which further expanded my network.
Collectively, Kaplan’s Employability & Student Affairs (ESA) team has a line-up of different employability-related activities which are very interesting. I have been able to gain knowledge and insights from entrepreneurs and industry experts through workshops and sharing sessions. Overall, the skills-based learning ESA offers bridges the gap between my academic curriculum and the demands of the current workforce, helping me to be industry-ready.
I would encourage my peers to give Kaplan’s employability activities a shot, as they add value to one’s academic journey.

Natasha Mok Nowak
Bachelor of Arts in Communication and Media Studies and Public Relations (Double Major)
Murdoch University Graduate (2020)
I participated in Kaplan iCare and took on the role of a student volunteer, helping to mentor underprivileged women to enhance their information technology (IT) and digital skills. Not only was I able to pass down some of my digital proficiency, I also gained a lot from this enjoyable but challenging experience.
The activity was carried out virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and it showed me how the digital landscape provides endless opportunities; for example, how volunteering could take place online. It was also my pleasure to be able to work alongside experienced employees from a leading tech firm.
Through the activities organised by Kaplan’s Employability & Student Affairs (ESA) team, I have met interesting people from all walks of life, and whom I have learnt a lot from. Since networking is essential in one’s career, building a professional network will open many doors and possibilities for me. In addition, ESA has helped me to better understand my skills and abilities, and how to develop them for my future career.
I would urge students to grab the opportunity to further improve yourself. You can develop your skillsets and gain the relevant experiences with Kaplan’s employability activities to better prepare yourself for today’s workforce.

Bryan Tai Jiang Nan
Bachelor of Business in Marketing and Web Communication (Double Major)
Murdoch University Student (2020)
I find Recruitment Talks the most enjoyable because I get to speak to employers who share their expectations with me. I have a better understanding of what to expect from SMEs, MNCs, and many different industries on their company culture, commitments required, and daily responsibilities.
This allows me to discover my interest in different industries and company sizes for when I graduate and step into the workforce, and is beyond what I can learn from my university lessons. I would not have had this exposure unless I continuously applied for many job interviews. I can now better prepare myself for what is currently in demand in the market.
I would strongly recommend other students to see what Kaplan’s Employability & Student Affairs (ESA) team has to offer. The activities they organise have been extremely helpful in many ways, such as providing us with in-demand practical skillsets, job matching service, and more! In addition, the team is extremely helpful and friendly – little things like this just make the overall experience so much more enjoyable!

Noryn Kwa Nixin
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
Murdoch University Graduate (2020)
I participated in the Kaplan Industry Project (KIP) on “Measures to aid home-based learning in special education”, which was related to a sector I am really interested in. It has fuelled my desire to contribute more to help children with special needs, and in the hope of removing stigmatisation.
I am grateful for the enriching experience of the KIP, which provided me insights into the working world and problems faced by the special needs sector. As a team, we researched the needs of autistic children, and how we could help them adapt to home-based learning amidst the pandemic. Researching and working as the appointed leader of the team was particularly insightful and valuable.
The greatest takeaway is having wonderful mentors to guide us and provide feedback on our project, in the hope of pitching it to field professionals. We were able to understand how things could be done better based on our mentor’s experiences in this field.
I would encourage my peers to explore the employability activities organised by the Employability & Student Affairs (ESA) team to gain insights and guidance regarding the field you are interested in, and for self-enhancement.