Employer & Corporate Partner Engagement

Nurture and prepare career-ready talent with Kaplan
Employer Corporate Partner Engagement

Become a partner

Kaplan is dedicated to providing future-ready education to our students and bolstering their employability. Our approach is to instil them with the crucial skills, experiences, and insights sought by employers.

Our Employability and Student Affairs (ESA) team welcomes you to join our diverse range of industry partners. As our valued partner, you provide our next generation of students the necessary industry exposure, and help transition them from school to career seamlessly.

Contact Employability and Student Affairs to become a partner.

Employer Corporate Partner Engagement

Partnership Benefits

Make an impact as a partner by being directly involved in our efforts to get students career-ready, through the Kaplan Industry Project (KIP), entrepreneurship activities, MasterClasses and more. 

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Bridge the talent gap and build a future talent base

By building bridges between your company and our students, you create a talent base that will aspire to a career with you.

Generational ideas and problem-solving skills

By providing industry exposure and real-world challenges, you gain fresh perspectives and insight to a new generation.

Establish relationships and rapport with future leaders

By interacting with our students, you have opportunities to identify exceptional talent to groom as future leaders.

Kaplan Job Portal

As an industry partner and employer, you have access to our Kaplan Job Portal with potential job openings or internships before others.

The Kaplan Job Portal features:

  • Employability-related events
  • Student engagement and club activities
  • Career planning and advisory sessions
  • Job openings, including internships


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Kaplan Industry Project

Benefit for Industry Partners

Innovative Solutions: Partnering with students not only brings fresh perspectives but also fosters a culture of innovation within the organisation. By leveraging the diverse skill sets and creative thinking of students, industry partners can develop innovative solutions to complex challenges, ultimately enhancing their competitiveness in the market and driving sustainable growth.

Talent Pipeline Development: 
Sponsoring projects provides industry partners with the opportunity to identify and nurture top talent early on. By actively engaging with students throughout the project, companies can assess their skills, work ethic and cultural fit. This proactive approach not only enables companies to recruit skilled individuals but also fosters long-term relationships with future graduates, establishing a reliable talent pipeline for the organisation's future success.

Kaplan Industry Projects

Industry Talks & Visits

In collaboration with our partners, our regular industry visits are intended to help our students gain valuable perspectives through enriching talks, workshops and masterclasses. 

Contact Employability and Student Affairs to organise an industry talk and visit.

Industry Talks